Lecture at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava

On 7 December 2022, in cooperation with our founding member, the law firm Lansky, Ganzger, Jacko & Partner, s.r.o. (LGP), we organized a lecture on Financial Law at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The topic was Compliance on the financial market. The lecture was given by Martin Jacko, who explained to the students the importance of compliance in society, its positive and negative aspects, together with measures to prevent them. Martin further explained to the students which relevant legislation regulates compliance in the financial sector. He particularly touched on Act No. 297/2008 Coll. on protection against the legalization of income from criminal activity and on protection against the financing of terrorism and on the amendment of certain laws. It was explained that financial institutions are also obliged persons in the sense of the law. We further devoted ourselves to clarifying how obliged persons exercise care in relation to the client and what unusual business operations are and how obliged persons deal with them. The subject of the lecture was also the presentation of practical examples of how financial institutions (banks) apply the given legislation.

We consider it necessary for young lawyers to perceive the importance of compliance both for business relations in general and for the transparent functioning of the financial sector and therefore we are glad that we had the opportunity to convey our practical experience to them and we believe that we have enriched their knowledge with new interesting information.

We plan to continue and support the common values ​​in which we believe and we are pleased by the interest of students and faculty to develop the spirit of business ethics among young lawyers.
