On the way
to transparency

Effective management of AML risk

What will be the content of this workshop and what will you learn? Why is AML one of the most key Compliance risks? What is the difference between money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF)? How is AML (not)related to international trade sanctions? What predicate crimes do we know in relation to ML/TF? What factors increase […]


Transparency of the remuneration of the employees in the EU - how can employers prepare for the new rules?

The EU is introducing new rules to ensure transparent remuneration of workers, which aim to contribute to the elimination of the gender pay gap. What will you learn during the workshop? What is the current legislation in Slovakia What changes in the remuneration of men and women will the new rules bring in Slovakia What […]


10th Anniversary of the Slovak Compliance Circle

10 years ago, we founded the Slovak Compliance Circle with the vision that the association would serve as a platform for sharing experience with the development of ethics in the business environment and that we would bring the profession of compliance officer and business ethics into the awareness of students. 10 years of our activity […]


Forbes magazine – Why should COMPLIANCE be the basis of good business?

In an interview on the occasion of 🎉10. anniversary of the founding of SCC 🎉 with the chairman of the board Martin Sasink, you will learn what role of compliance plays in the Slovak business environment, what we bring to the members of the association and what our further ambitions are. We achieve our goals […]


Lecture at the FHI EU BA in Bratislava

At the beginning of March, we presented ethics as a business concept to the students of the Faculty of Economic Informatics at the University of Economics in Bratislava and compared ethics and law as systems. The students were given a genius crash course on corporate social responsibility and were introduced to its four pillars. We […]

About Us

Slovak Compliance Circle iniciative

The Slovak Compliance Circle has evolved as a response to the sentiment in the Slovak business field in respect of the level of ethical conduct generally applied and accepted in the Slovak business market.

Founding members



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