About Us

The Slovak Compliance Circle has evolved as a response to the sentiment in the Slovak business field in respect of the level of ethical conduct generally applied and accepted in the Slovak business market. To address the concerns of the Slovak business community, the Founding Members have developed and offered a concept of the Slovak Compliance Circle. Based on the strong interest and support of a number of key business leaders in Slovakia, the Founding Members have established the mission of the proposed Association to be to promote the principles of business ethics and compliance in Slovakia. The vision of SCC is to be able to work in a transparent and ethical business environment in Slovakia.

SCC members commit to adhere to ethical principles and to actively promote and apply its principles. SCC members will strive to develop level of compliance standards implemented by the Slovak business community and will do so by:

  • Sharing best practice – Researching and learning from compliance standards and best practices from other countries and applying them to the local market Slovakia and by sharing local experience among the members.
  • Mutual support – Providing support and sharing knowledge with small and medium enterprises.
  • Leading by example – encouraging business partners to follow best practices and adhere to ethical standard.

SCC will systematically work with the young generation of the future business leaders. The circle aims on carrying on activities in corporation with universities to attract resources for this profession and promote ethical behaviour among the next business generation. SCC will actively participate in and initiate discussions with relevant subjects, institutions and authorities involved in preparing, implementing and enforcing relevant legislation and regulatory framework.

Strategy of the association


Our vision is to be able to work in a transparent and ethical business environment in Slovakia.


Our mission is to promote the principles of business ethics and compliance in Slovakia.


SCC was established for the purpose of promoting the role of compliance and ethical behaviour within the Slovak business community by:

  • Sharing best practices in the area of compliance amongst the Slovak business community.
  • Promoting the compliance officer function as well as the compliance officer profession in Slovakia.
  • Promoting ethical behaviour and compliance to the next generation of Slovak business leaders.

Official documents of the SCC

Official documents of the Slovak Compliance Circle: