Západoslovenská energetika, a.s.

Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (ZSE) is the holding company of the ZSE Group. The ZSE Group is a leader in the supply and distribution of electricity, offering comprehensive energy services to all groups of customers in Slovakia – from households, small and medium enterprises to strategic businesses. It offers electricity distribution services in the Western and the Eastern Slovakia (through Západoslovenská distribučná and Východoslovenská distribučná) and services related to the supply of electricity and gas across entire Slovakia (through ZSE Energia and VSE). The Group offers solutions of the so-called new energy business, based on the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency. It also operates a charging network for electric vehicles under the brand of ZSE Drive. The ZSE Group is a member of the E.ON Group – the Europe´s biggest energy group. It has a long-standing commitment to corporate responsibility and its principles are embedded in the company’s day-to-day decisions and strategy.

“Compliance with the laws and regulations of the Slovak Republic is a high priority for the ZSE Group. Above and beyond legislation, it is necessary to comply with internal rules that define our values and detail the legal requirements imposed on us by legislation. The Company continuously pays special attention to building, implementing and strengthening the Compliance Programme which is a set of processes aimed at compliance with laws and ethical conduct of employees in all areas of working life. We expect our business partners to do the same, so that together we can contribute to building a transparent business environment. In this regard, we welcome and appreciate the Slovak Compliance Circle initiative.”